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Reverse proxy configuration through j2ee applicaton to RTC using httpClient

Neelkanthreddy ireddy (113) | asked Jul 03 '15, 6:30 a.m.

Engineering portal(Engp)  provides proxy capabilities for internal daimler applications (similar to reverse proxy),

basically its a j2ee application uses httpClint api from apache to connct backend proxy application. and engineering portal proxy application has the public url

which we map to private url inside daimler n/w

when we call the app from browser we get the login page successfully ,but inbetwee RTC will reidrect  to JTS with

  the session is not getting created  and when we verified the LTPAToken is missing in cookie , we need to know is any header parameters are missing dure to that RTC is not able to create the user session .

  we gone through the wiki which provides reverse proxy configuration for IHS webserver with RTC , in engineering portal we also use IBM htttp server , through which  requests reach app server(WAS8) , on the app server we deployed the engineering portal application which actually talks to RTC , RTC is again deployed on different app server,

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jul 07 '15, 2:32 a.m.
I doubt there are any documents for such specific configuration. I do know that some users successfully use IIS as the reverse proxy with a "shortened" URL but unfortunately I don't know the details of the implementation. Just remember that the public URI of CLM applications is hard coded in the database and only a "server rename" operation can change it. That's why you see that a predefined URI is picked up when the web page redirects between CLM applications. As a rule of thumb, put the reverse proxy in place _before_ you configure the CLM application.

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