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Is there a limit to the number of entries in a HTTP Filtered Value Set ?

Fred Bickford (281832) | asked Jun 29 '15, 9:26 a.m.
Trying to determine if HTTP Filtered value sets could be a way to serve up some attribute value choices, yet wondering if there is a limit to the # of rows returned for presentation for user selection


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Alexandre Stegani (8664) | answered Jun 29 '15, 6:33 p.m.
edited Jun 29 '15, 6:38 p.m.
Prior to 5.0.1, yes, there is a hardcoded limit of 150 entries.

This has changed with 5.0.1 and later, when we made the HTTP value set provider limits configurable. Check task 310607 for more info

* I have edited this response. Correction: the fix was released in 5.0.1
Fred Bickford selected this answer as the correct answer

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