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Poor performance in version 5.02

Ina Pick (815) | asked Jun 28 '15, 7:07 a.m.
we recently upgraded to version 5.02 and unfortunately we  are facing poor performance 
Has anyone encountered any problems with editing plan views in 5.02 version?

I  am unable to open and edit TaskBoard plan view at all ,takes a lot of time to open a plan or to run queries from the dashboards


Donald Nong commented Jun 28 '15, 9:00 p.m.

Performance tuning is a complex topic, and usually does not come to a satisfactory conclusion on an online forum. I suggest you contact Support.

Ina Pick commented Jun 29 '15, 12:55 a.m.


One answer

permanent link
Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered Jun 29 '15, 2:34 p.m.
We had one RTC project that when going to _any_ page under work items the web ui would blank out for 5-10 minutes.  Turns out there were some viewlets on the dashboard that "broke" in V5.0.2 and removing them alleviated the concern.

Those widgets were the Plan Statistics.

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