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RTC does not show one particular changed file in Pending Changes view

Jian Zhang (2111) | asked Jun 09 '15, 2:59 p.m.
 Please note, pending change function works fine for all other files except one particular file. For this particular file, I can see difference by comparing local and server file, however, it will not show in pending change view therefore developer is not able to deliver it. All developers are facing same issue for this particular file. The file format is as same as other files. The file is not locked. We did refresh sandbox and remote.

RTC version

Lily Wang commented Jun 09 '15, 8:20 p.m.

 What's the file's extension and path? Is the file in the ignore list?

You can follow the link below to check and remove the file from ignore list:

Jian Zhang commented Jun 10 '15, 9:52 a.m.

 Thanks Lily, issue resolved.

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