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RTC 2.0beta1 server license about to expire

Tom Frauenhofer (1.3k58435) | asked Jul 03 '09, 1:57 p.m.

My team has been running a 2.0beta1 server since March without any
problems. Recently however, the admins here have been receiving emails
that say our server license is about to expire (July 15th is the
deadline I think).

Although we're planning to upgrade to 2.0GA this month, we might not
make that deadline.

I there a way I can get a few more weeks of 2.0beta1 time ?


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Craig Chaney (9212) | answered Jul 06 '09, 8:22 a.m.
David Ward wrote:

My team has been running a 2.0beta1 server since March without any
problems. Recently however, the admins here have been receiving emails
that say our server license is about to expire (July 15th is the
deadline I think).

Although we're planning to upgrade to 2.0GA this month, we might not
make that deadline.

I there a way I can get a few more weeks of 2.0beta1 time ?

Hi Dave,

Unfortunately July 15th is the trial end date for 2.0 Beta 1 and cannot
be extended.

Craig Chaney
Jazz server team


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