Outline the differences between the processes...
Is there a grid that outlines the differences between the processes that we supply out of the box, because if not it would be SUPER helpful. Differences like...
Timeline names
Work Item Types
State Model differences
Enumeration differences
Processes Enforced by default
Behavior Enforced by default
Timeline names
Work Item Types
State Model differences
Enumeration differences
Processes Enforced by default
Behavior Enforced by default
3 answers
Is there a grid that outlines the differences between the processes that we supply out of the box, because if not it would be SUPER helpful. Differences like...
Timeline names
Work Item Types
State Model differences
Enumeration differences
Processes Enforced by default
Behavior Enforced by default
I am not aware of a grid that displays the differences, but you can find more information about each process template by clicking it in the Process Description section of the project area editor.
We've published a table comparing the predefined process templates here: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/PredefinedProcessTemplateComparison
Ryan Manwiller
Jazz Team
Well, that eliminates about a week or two of work. Whoever did this did a great job!
Now, if someone could do a
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one, that would be great....