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RQM XLS importer menu disapeared in excel 2013

Robert Rygwalski (111) | asked May 19 '15, 10:46 a.m.
I was using XLS import fine with version 5.02 on XLS  2013 32 bit MSO (15.0.4719.1000).  logged in today and the menu is no longer there.  when I go to COM add-ins it says inactive and when I try to activate nothing happens.  I have tried to uninstall and reinstall mulitple time with 5.02 and 5.00 deleted the MSo2RQM folder as well. what other options do I have?  are there registry that might not have been cleared out? cached items? anything with the .net framework that needs updating?

3 answers

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered May 19 '15, 6:27 p.m.
I had similar problem but not sure about the root cause. I found the below helpful in my local environment:

1) in COM add-in, try to add another add-in such as euro currency tools and see if that helps.
(you may need to reinstall RQMExcelImporter after that)
2) go to Start > excel 2013 and open a new blank excel. I notice that the blank one will have the add-in menu, then I can open the xls file from the File > open in which the add-in will stay.
Hopefully these help.
If you want to find out the root cause, you may contact client support.

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered May 20 '15, 2:38 p.m.
Hi Robert,

I would check based on what your o.s. is, 32- or 64-bit, that the version of Office matches along with which Excel Installer you used.  We have seen problems where the COM add-in will not show up if you try to install the 32-bit with a 64-bit environment. 

You should also be using .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

If that is all correct, then we would need to check into COM add-in debugging for 2013.


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Robert Rygwalski (111) | answered May 21 '15, 8:01 a.m.

Here is what seems to have worked so far. will comment further if needed

Uninstall old versions, installed 4.5 .NET framework and then the corresponding RQM DOTNET install file (32 bit in my case).  Once that was done I have my RQM menu back and popup is now displaying.

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