How to open Automation delegated UI in RQM?
Hello Team,
We have developed OSLC based Automation specification adapter and made friend of RQM successfully. The Association is "Uses-Automation", now the problem is I'm unable to see the option to open delegated UI from RQM to Automation adaptor. where as I can see the option for RTC(i.e CCM specification) with link as "Development Item" within Test Script; same with Requirement by clicking on "Requirements Link" within Test script.
Can some one please help me out.
One answer
Do you mean the dialog for creating defect, requirements and etc? If so, your own adapter needs to implement this and publish it in the root service document. Check the root service documents of CCM and RM, and compare them with the one from your adapter - pay attention to the <oslc:creationDialog> element.
Thank you Donald for your reply, we have already implemented the dialog box for creation & selection. I wanted to know, the steps to open a delegated dialog in RQM for automation adapter.
e.g. if we want to open a dialog box of RTC, then I have to follow below steps.
1. Browse / Create a "Test script" and click on "Development Item"
2. Then click on "create" it will open a dialog box of RTC.
The same way i want to know the steps to open dialog box for Automation.