Fetching Iterations using Oslc

One answer

A working example with the caveat that it's currently marked as a provisional service and may change in the next release:
In the rootservices document:
You'll find a section like this:
-- Project areas service. This service is provisional and may change in the next release. --
<jp06:projectAreas rdf:resource="https://jazz.net/jazz/process/project-areas"/>
Use that resource to lookup the project areas.
Within the project-areas service document, locate the project area you're interested in, say "Rational Team Concert" and locate the timelines-url, in this case:
From here you'll be able to find the iterations for a specific timeline, such as "development":
And the child iterations of the RTC 6.0 iteration here:
In the rootservices document:
You'll find a section like this:
-- Project areas service. This service is provisional and may change in the next release. --
<jp06:projectAreas rdf:resource="https://jazz.net/jazz/process/project-areas"/>
Use that resource to lookup the project areas.
Within the project-areas service document, locate the project area you're interested in, say "Rational Team Concert" and locate the timelines-url, in this case:
From here you'll be able to find the iterations for a specific timeline, such as "development":
And the child iterations of the RTC 6.0 iteration here:

Hi Shawn,
I tried with this use case. I am able to fetch the iterations of a particular project area. Out of these iterations, I chose one and tried to associate while creating a workitem. The fetched iteration is like:
https://localhost:9443/ccm/process/project-areas/-Cg8zv7AEeS61Oblf7UzOg/timelines/-T3Ldf7AEeS61Oblf7UzOg/iterations/-T3Ldv7AEeS61Oblf7UzOg and trying to put it in the oslc query like:
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/ccm/process/project-areas/-Cg8zv7AEeS61Oblf7UzOg/timelines/-T3Ldf7AEeS61Oblf7UzOg/iterations/-T3Ldv7AEeS61Oblf7UzOg"/>
But I am getting 409 error while creating that workitem.

Hi Sud,
To update the planned for of a workitem with this iteration, you'll need to put the iteration into the expected format.
In your case, that should be:
<rtc_cm:plannedFor rdf:resource="https://localhost:9443/ccm/oslc/iterations/_-T3Ldv7AEeS61Oblf7UzOg"/>;