What is the configuration steps for DB2 database with CLM 4.0.5 after import the DB2 data from one server to another?
I have an environment of CLM 4.0.5 with tomcat application server and IBM DB2 v10.1.3 deployed on Windows 2008 64 bit standard edition.
I have imported the data (JTS, RTC,RQM and DW) from one DB2 server to another DB2 server and have to configure with CLM server, in my case CLM and DB2 both are on different servers.
Can any one help to let me know the steps for configuration of CLM with DB2 server?
3 answers
These steps are for JTS:
- Stop the Jazz Team Server.
- Move the database to the new location using the database vendor-specific tools.
- Update the /server/conf/jts/teamserver.properties to point to this new location.
- Run the script 'repotools-jts -verify' to verify the new database connection is successful.
- Start the Jazz Team Server.
but they should be valid for any CLM application you installed.
You can refer to https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/t_migrate_dbs.html&scope=null for further information.
Hello Alexandre,
Thanks for your reply. I explained you more in details what environment and what i want.
I have environment RTC 4.0.5 is on different window server and DB 10.1.3 is on different server. I have configured DB2 with RTC and it is working fine. But after some we started to face the issue from DB2 server every time our DB2 server get down and so the reason application become down. we tried many ways to resolve it but did not get any luck.
So that's the reason I have created new windows server where we will install the DB2 10.1.3 and import the data from the existing DB2 server. After that i will have to configured new DB2 server with the existing RTC server.
That's the reason i want to know the steps how do we configured the existing RTC server our new DB2 server? Is ther any prerequisite which I have to take care?
Many thanks for your kind help and advise.
Kind Regards,