Is there REST API for getting existing Tags values?
One answer
Yes, you can retrieve them using the reportable REST API.
You should get something like this
<tags >|settings|serviceability|install|</tags >
Thanks for your answer, but I am actually looking for all the existing Tags values across all work items (i.e. what the content assist for the web UI is doing).
The URL <base url>/ccm/rpt/repository/workitem?fields=workitem/workItem/tags returns all the existing tags, but you have to process them to obtain a distinctive list. I don't see the tags being stored in any separate tables, so the content assist may just do the same thing described earlier (it may get the content from the index though).
Thank you so much for your answer! I do have it working now for tags that are in existing work items. It's interesting that the web UI's content assist actually provides the values that are from deleted work items as well!
Leif Jansson
Mar 18 '16, 11:19 p.m.Can you edit Tag values with REST API ?
Donald Nong
Mar 18 '16, 4:49 a.m.We're talking about "reporting REST API" which is for reporting purpose, so no updating/editing. What do you mean faulty tags? You should probably open a new post for this.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 18 '16, 11:18 p.m.To be precise, the original question was not limited to the reporting REST APIs, but rather about REST APIs in general, which would include OSLC REST APIs as well as the the internal REST APIs used by the web UI's to talk to the server (both of which allow for update, not just read access). But I agree that a new post on "updating TAGS" would be preferable than discussing it under the "getting existing TAGs" topic.