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Does "attribute customization scripts" wrks for custom attributes?

Pravin Patil (104146134) | asked May 04 '15, 8:55 p.m.
edited May 05 '15, 1:07 p.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)


Do Attribute customizations "script based customizations" work with custom attributes (for e.g. the enumeration that I define) or does it work only with default (the ones that come with RTC install like "Priority, severity" etc)?

Can you share a example of this working with custom enumeration, please?

3 answers

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Tiago Moura (8387) | answered May 04 '15, 9:01 p.m.

This is a great article about attribute customizations in RTC

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 05 '15, 2:56 a.m.

The three input arguments are always the same (except for Conditions which do not have an attributeId argument):
  • attributeId A string that represents the id of the attribute for which this customization has been set
  • workItem An instance of a work item for which this script is being executed. This supports the following operations:
    • getValue(String attributeId) returns the value of the attribute with the specified id.
If your attribute has the ID my.attribute , you have to pass getValue("my.attribute") to get the value.

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Uma venkata Lekkala (52819) | answered May 07 '15, 7:26 p.m.
 What is the syntax for this scenario

IF RestrictedAccess field is "A-Department1" 
set Customer field value = "A" and Department field value = "Department1"

Or the following
IF Customer field value = "A" and Department field value = "Department1"
RestrictedAccess field drop down options are narrowed down to ...

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