Can you change the title of test cases and change test scripts when test suite execution record has been created
2 answers
Hi Paul, I think my issue is all the test cases have the same execution record number, when I change 1 test case the other 10 all have the same details of the changes. I am worried that if I stop the TCER I will do damage to the TSER. There are 80 test cases, 62 passed, but I have 11 with this issue.
Hi Colin,
Name changes will be propagated to any referencing test artifact (e.g. test suite, test case execution record, etc).
Can work me through the process please. I have 5 test cases, each test case has the same ID, I have tried to change the test cases but if I change 1 the order 4 get the same changes.
Colin, all test artifacts have different IDs. Also, I am not sure what you mean by 'if I change 1 the order 4 get the same changes'. Can you walk me through the process you are following in detail?
I have attempted to change test case and scripts in construction and in execution, but each time I update anything in one the test cases all the test cases with the same ID get the changes, each test case gets all the same updates. I would like to update each test case uniquely , but as they team are in execution mode I do not want anything to mean retesting or loosing data they have entered.. I loaded the test suite up RQM xls utility
Again, it's not clear what you mean by 'each time I update anything in one the test cases all the test cases with the same ID get the changes, each test case gets all the same updates'. Are these updates being done using the RQM Excel/Word Importer? Please detail the steps you followed to create and update these test artifacts.
Hi Paul, hope my answer helps you understand my dilemma.
2. Create test suite execution record.
3. Testing started,
3. Testers note that a test scenario which contains 5 test cases all have the same ID number although each test case has the same description.
example: loaded using RQM importer
ID Test case Test script
TC 01.1 Add widget
TC01.2 change widget
TC01.3 Remove widget
But its shows in TSER
ID Test Case Test script
4166177 TC01.1 Add widget
4166177 TC01.1 Add widget
4166177 TC01.1 Add widget
Now I need update the TC01.2 and TC01.3, but when I change/update TC01.1 to TC01.2 all 3 show as TC01.2.
In effect each TC with the same ID all 3 show as the same.
ID Test Case Test script
4166177 TC01.2 Change widget
4166177 TC01.2 Change widget
4166177 TC01.2 Change widget
Thanks for this description.
Your test suite appears to be referencing the same three test cases. Did you check if your test suite is referencing all three (different) test cases? Are you creating the TSER with the RQM Excel/Word Importer?
I loaded the test suite using RQM importer, I manually created the TSER. It looks like I can go into each test script, add the correct test steps manually and if pass result I can close. Then go to the next test case and do the same with the next script. No the best, but at least I can close out the suite.
As you can gather I am new to RQM and RTC, and appreciate your patience. Thanks
Colin, I believe your test suite is referencing the same three test cases/scripts. Your manual work-around should not be required.