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RTC scm load command error "Unmatched workspace/stream XXXXX"

I have the following load rule file for loading the content of component for file specific.
Similarly When I try to load the content of the repository workspace using scm commands I get the following error:
SCM command:
scm load -L /test.loadrule "SDP Testing Sample Stream Workspace" -u xxxx -P Xxxx -r https://rtc/ccm.
I have the following load rule file for loading the content of component for file specific.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <scm:sourceControlLoadRule xmlns:scm="http://com.ibm.team.scm" version="1"> <itemLoadRule> <component itemId="_Bhoc8DgZEeSKi4jI8QqalA"/> <item repositoryPath="/admisanityxps/properties/config/db.properties"/> <sandboxRelativePath includeRepositoryPath="true"/> </itemLoadRule> <itemLoadRule> <component itemId="_Bhoc8DgZEeSKi4jI8QqalA"/> <item repositoryPath="/admisanityxps/JavaSource/colruyt/admisanityxps/AdmiSanityXps.java"/> <sandboxRelativePath includeRepositoryPath="true"/> </itemLoadRule> <itemLoadRule> <component itemId="_Bhoc8DgZEeSKi4jI8QqalA"/> <item repositoryPath="/admisanityxps/JavaSource/colruyt/admisanityxps/VersionToolUtilityService.java"/> <sandboxRelativePath includeRepositoryPath="true"/> </itemLoadRule> </scm:sourceControlLoadRule>When I try to load the repository workspace using the above load rule from shell client then I was able to load the content of the load rule file.
Similarly When I try to load the content of the repository workspace using scm commands I get the following error:
Unmatched workspace/stream "SDP Testing Sample Stream Workspace"
SCM command:
scm load -L /test.loadrule "SDP Testing Sample Stream Workspace" -u xxxx -P Xxxx -r https://rtc/ccm.
I also tried to load the same load rule using the API.
When I use the Java API i get the following error:
com.ibm.team.filesystem.client.FileSystemException: Error parsing load rule: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'scm:sourceControlLoadRule'.
at com.ibm.team.filesystem.client.internal.load.LoadRuleFactory.getLoadRule(LoadRuleFactory.java:151).
Snippet used for loading the files from RTC using load rule
File loadRuleFile = new File("C:\\Temp\\test.loadrule"); System.out.println("LoadRule File: " + loadRuleFile.getCanonicalPath());
System.out.println("Sandbox Location: " + pathlocation);
InputStream ins = new FileInputStream(loadRuleFile);
if (ins != null) {
Reader xmlReader = new InputStreamReader(ins);
ILoadRule2 rule = ILoadRuleFactory.loadRuleFactory.getLoadRule(workspaceConnection, xmlReader, monitor);
ILoadOperation loadOperator = rule.getLoadOp(sandbox, dilemmaHandler, monitor);
monitor.subTask("loading files from RTC server...");
monitor.subTask("loading files from RTC server completed...");
Version of RTC: 4.0.4
Thanks and Regards,
Vijay Reddy
Vijay Reddy
One answer

Looks like the line <sandboxrelativepath includeRepositoryPath="true"/> needs to be case sensitive. Try changing it to <sandboxRelativePath includeRepositoryPath="true"/>. Hope that works.

Hi Surya,
Thanks for the Feedback. The line <sandboxRelativePath includeRepositoryPath="true"/> What I used was already in the correct format only. In forum I see that the view is not showing the case sensitive as I formated the code. You can view case sensitivity by ccking the Edit option for the quesion. Secondly It is not working.
Vijay Reddy.
Vijay Reddy.

Duplicate comment

Can you try couple of things:
1) Run 'scm list workspace -n <your workspace>' to verify that the cli lists that desired workspace.
1) Run 'scm list workspace -n <your workspace>' to verify that the cli lists that desired workspace.
2) Try loading without using a load rule and see if it works. You could just load only one component: 'scm load -r <repo url> <workspace> <component>'

Hi Shashikant,
I'm can see the workspace running the scm command ==> scm list workspace -n
I also tried to load the workspace also, and able to load the repository workspace content by running scm load command.
Vijay Reddy
Vijay Reddy
Vijay Reddy Gaddam
Apr 20 '15, 4:38 a.m.Same issue was reported: