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Version ID on repository files shown as "not applicable" after upgrade from 4.0.3 to 5.0.2

David Dulling (13731212) | asked Apr 14 '15, 6:53 a.m.
edited Apr 14 '15, 6:55 a.m.

I have just performed a test upgrade from RTC 4.0.3 to 5.0.2.

One of the things I am validating is the use of the new feature in RTC 5.0.2 regarding displaying "Version ID" of files. I assumed when migrating, all files would be 'updated' and populated with this new value for this field.

Having switched the option on in my Eclipse preferences, I am not observing and version IDs in any of the displays. When performing a Show History, the Version ID column is showing "<not applicable>" However, when I update an existing file after migration, that new version gets a new Version ID. For example, with a file that has 1 version in the repository at the time of migration, it has a Version ID of <not applicable>. If I update it and check it in, that new version has a Version ID of 2 (so it seems to know there is a Version 1)

Can anyone tell me if this is expected behavior as part of a migration?
David Dulling

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David Dulling (13731212) | answered Apr 14 '15, 7:33 a.m.
I have the answer which I have to say I received from Rational Support...

Apparently you have to run a repotools command after the migration.

There is a full article on explaining how this new feature works: Assigning Version IDs in Rational Team Concert



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