Fastes way to move a Change Set from one Work Item to another
We have the usecase to move changeset from one work item to another one. We are rtc support in our company and our customers often have this scenario.
We are starting from a work item in a naked eclipse (nothing loaded), the "links" tab. The change sets are listed here. We want to remove one single change set from this work item and attach it to another.
My fastes way currently:
select Change Set->context menu->Locate Change Sets...
In the locate change sets editor: Select Change Set->context menu->Open With->Change Explorer
In the Change Explorer: Select Change Set->context menu->Related Artifacts....
there we are, with the related artifacts submenu on the Change Set we can do all we want.
Remark: Why is the context menu of the change set in the work item editor and the locate change sets editor so stripped down? The Task would be easier when having the submenu "Related Artifacts..." there also.
Or one step less: Having the Open With->Change Explorer in the work item editor.
We have the usecase to move changeset from one work item to another one. We are rtc support in our company and our customers often have this scenario.
We are starting from a work item in a naked eclipse (nothing loaded), the "links" tab. The change sets are listed here. We want to remove one single change set from this work item and attach it to another.
My fastes way currently:
select Change Set->context menu->Locate Change Sets...
In the locate change sets editor: Select Change Set->context menu->Open With->Change Explorer
In the Change Explorer: Select Change Set->context menu->Related Artifacts....
there we are, with the related artifacts submenu on the Change Set we can do all we want.
Remark: Why is the context menu of the change set in the work item editor and the locate change sets editor so stripped down? The Task would be easier when having the submenu "Related Artifacts..." there also.
Or one step less: Having the Open With->Change Explorer in the work item editor.