Multi-Select option for an Attribute
We have an attribute of kind Value set Picker and and using the Script Based Value set provider.With this,we are JUST able to select a single value for the Attribute and not able to Multi-Select the values because of the kind and Value Set provider combination.
How can we get the Multi Select option to work for the Attribute?
Accepted answer
As far as I remember, the last time I tried this I was not able to return multiple values in Java Script attribute customization. As far as I can tell, list type attributes are not yet supported in the JavaScript API. You might want to file an enhancement request.
Please note, multi select is just dependent on the fact that the attribute is of a list type. The key here is not the presentation,it is the fact that attributes with list type that can contain multiple values are not supported.
Please note, multi select is just dependent on the fact that the attribute is of a list type. The key here is not the presentation,it is the fact that attributes with list type that can contain multiple values are not supported.