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Quick Planner - where is rich text hover?

Heather Linsk (1422252) | asked Mar 23 '15, 4:43 p.m.
 Am I missing something or maybe I am mis-configured - but I don't see any rich text hover when I mouse over work items.

Is this by design?  If not, I'd like to see this.

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Mar 23 '15, 8:42 p.m.
Hi Heather,
I don't see the quick hover function in my RTC 5.0.2 environment.
Refer to the work item, it seems this is working as designed.

Heather Linsk commented Mar 24 '15, 8:28 a.m.

  From a usability perspective, as a customer, that would be a really nice feature to have. 

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