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RQM Excel Importer 5.0

Naveen Tyagi (19775152) | asked Feb 24 '15, 8:26 a.m.
edited Feb 25 '15, 2:30 a.m.
 I have installed RQM Excel Importer and now i am able to import Test cases/Plan in Rqm. I have tried this using given samples but at the time of importing it didn't ask for any template and imported as per default template in RQM in case of both Test Cases and Plans. i am only able to see Test/Plan description in RQM since all sections of my template are different from the test case/plan in sample  Excel file of the plugin.
I want to know, is this plugin will always import as per default template ?
is there any way to select template at the time of Importing ?
is it also possible Plugin can automatically create Template as per test cases/Plan in Excel file we want to Import?

Different Question  : I have gone through documents and samples of config. file   but still not able to understand logic how that .config file written for given samples and how can i write for mine Excel file of Test cases/Plans.Thanking you in Advance...

Accepted answer

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Feb 24 '15, 8:46 a.m.
 Regarding your second question:
Have you looked at the RQMExcelWordImporter wiki ?
This will give you the foundation on the syntax and mapping capabilities to create your cfg file  

I would start with a full review of the 'Creating Configuration Files" section 
Naveen Tyagi selected this answer as the correct answer

Naveen Tyagi commented Feb 24 '15, 3:20 p.m.

 Hi Ara, i have gone through this but still didn't get my answer related to template. i want Plugin to create its template as per excel file instead of taking default template for even excel even if the excel file are different with different format.

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