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Query in RTC

shirit Kidron (1111940) | asked Feb 05 '15, 6:57 a.m.
retagged Feb 27 '15, 4:47 p.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)


Is it possible to populate/show all Defects/WI that are in status 'x' more than 'Y' days?

2 answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Feb 12 '15, 7:12 a.m.
Hi Shirit,
There is no easy way to do that in RTC. You can try writing custom report for this.

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Sumant Renukarya (1.1k23339) | answered Feb 23 '15, 2:42 a.m.
Hi Shirit

--> You can create a new query as follows to achieve what you are looking for:

a. Status is: In Progress
b. Then add Date group and select:

Date is not --> Modified --> _ days ago.

--> This will list the work items in the state 'In Progress' and not modified since 10 days ago.

Please see the screenshots on how to select the 'Date' is not modified attribute.


How this works is:

a. A couple of work items are moved to, say 'In Progress' state from 'New' state on 10th February 2015.

b. It lies in 'In Progress' state for 6 days (as of 16th February 2015) with lot of modifications/comments on the work items/ownership change etc.
However, the status of these work items does not change and remains in 'In Progress' state.

c. Now, if you run the query as above, it lists these 2 work items despite modifications at the work item level as the status remains as 'In Progress'.

d. On the contrary, if any of these 2 work items are moved to a different state, say 'stop working' or 'Resolved' without work item modifications, the query does not list that work item because the status has changed.

So the 'Modified' is not reflecting any modification at the defects/work items level but at the status level.

In turn the query I have sent does list the work items that are not modified at their status since 'x' days.
RTC query to list work items in a given status and not modified since X days

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