moving code between project areas
We migrated code from Clearcase to a RTC project area, and some work was done in that PA.
Management has in parrallel with the above, created a department PA with team areas beneath it. They now want the code moved from the original RTC PA to the department PA in one or more team areas. The original PA had all code under one stream with dirs for each app. Now this is being split into one or more team areas.
Under the new department PA , the user is creating new components and one of the options is to add a component from a different stream/PA. In doing so, is it creating some form of link in the back end or is it creating a copy of all the files into the new PA? If its some sort of link and we subsequently archive/purge the original source PA, what happens?
Accepted answer
So back to your question, when you add a baseline of a component to some stream or workspace, you are just logically creating a reference to that baseline (not a copy). And since you cannot delete/archive/purge a baseline, you can never "lose access" to that baseline.