What is the best Rational - Jira Adapter to use?
Are there 2 different adapters for Jira? What is the difference between them? How about the price and features?
OSCL Jira adapter
Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters
OSCL Jira adapter
Rational Lifecycle Integration Adapters
One answer
Hi Bruno,
The price of both products is the same and you can find pricing here: http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/en/ratlia
However, the OSLC JIRA Adapter is now also available as part of RLIA Tasktop Edition so if you choose that option you will have access to both products.
If you are using RTC, for example, the OSLC JIRA Adapter will allow you to create links from RTC to JIRA so that you can read JIRA information from within IBM RTC (inside a rich hover view that appears over the link). RLIA Tasktop Edition synchronizes the JIRA information with RTC so that in addition to linking the work items you can get unified reporting, comment-based collaboration, and the ability to modify/manage work items in either system. The Tasktop Edition approach is automated and doesn't require end users to be trained on when to create the links.
Wesley Coelho
Tasktop Technologies
Brian Lahaie
Dec 08 '20, 10:32 a.m.There are two OSLC adapters which can be used to integrate Jira with RQM.
(1) Unite for Jira which was developed by Persistent Systems (PSL).
(2) OSLC Connect for Jira which was developed by Sodius Willert