QM - problems opening MHTML attachments from a test execution record
I am capturing the result files from TestComplete executions that are in mht format (MHTML / web archive).
I am having problems opening these attachments from the QM web UI.
Opening the attachment from the Test Results page tries to display it as a raw HTML file and so is unreadable.
It is possible to "Save as" the attachment from the Test Results but it defaults to a UUID filename rather than the attachment name.
Opening the attachment from the Test Results page and then modifying the URL ending from “?attach=0” to “?attach=1” works better – the attachment is download with a friendly name, which can then be opened successfully in a new browser window.
Is this a known issue? Does anyone else use .mht attachments?
We are using Quality Manager 4.06 which I realise is not the current version.
Thanks in advance.