Is there a way to fetch "relate time" - when an attachment is related to work-item using java api?
I have to fetch the list of attachments for a given work-item and also fetch the date-time when it actually got related to the work-item. There is an option to fetch the create_time of the attachment, but that time is when the attachment is created/uploaded. After the attachment is uploaded, you have to save the work-item. So there is a chance for uploading the attachments and after couple of minutes saving the work-item. This use-case creates problem in my tool as I am using the create_time to make some decisions. Misunderstood that the create_time is going to be the same as relate_time.
So I would like to know whether there is a way to get the relate_time for an attachment using plain java-api.
Any kind of input is highly appreciated. Thanks.
One answer
Thanks for you input Ralph Schoon.
Yes, the API exposes only create_time. I just wanted to understand is there any other way of getting the relate_time information. Say, if the relationships are maintained in a table or something internally and if there is an API to check that table...... or something that sort of.
I am kind of struck with this and without getting the relate_time I won't be able to proceed further. Other option for me is just drop of this feature (attachment handling) from the tool that I am working on - which would be a bad thing to do and customer will have problems. :(
See how that works. I don't see why the information would not be sufficient for a synchronizer. I know others have written synchronizers that also include attachments.
Of course in the details it can get tricky and I might just not see it yet.
Maybe the problem is setting the attachment time in RTC. Not sure if you can do that. I have seen areas where you could with some tricks.