How to connect RTC via Enterprise Architect MSSCCI Interface
2 answers
That should give you the a hint.
Thanks Ralph,
Please let me know how to configure MSSCCI integration for EA
Sorry, I don't have experience with EA (I assume the product from Sparx) and MSCCI this is actually something you should ask on the Enterprise Architect forums.
How to use RTC and EA?
Actually can you get me an idea , how actually integration can we done from non rational products to RTC.
Hi Ralph,
Thanks for the reply
I have installed MSSCCI Driver. I want to know :
installation / configuration of the MSSCCI driver in EA
- Check in/out directly from EA
Please let me know. How to achieve the above
No experience myself. For Matlab/Simulink, all I know is that you have to configure the MSSCCI integration for it to work in Matlab.
Yes Ralph, i am in need of how to configure MSSCCI integration for MATLAB