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Querying and updating workitem status in RTC using REST/ OSLC

All, a quick query on querying and updating workitems in RTC using REST/ OSLC
Similar to Jazz.net Forum query #32674 but retrying since that entry is pretty old.
a. HPALM - RTC Synchronizer is used. i.e., synchronize defects from HPALM to RTC
b. Method used to update WI status in RTC is...
HTTP PUT on https://rtcServer:9443/ccm/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/41358?_action=bugzillaWorkflow.action.verify
1) In order to update status we the action id is needed(bugzillaWorkflow.action.verify),
currently the action id is fetched using process configuration xml from eclipse IDE and store it in oracle DB
This activity requires manual intervention, hence we are in quest to automate this....
Solutions that we expect for automating this activity are:-
1) To fetch the action id of the state using the RESTFull webservice of RTC (Ex: bugzillaWorkflow.action.verify )(most preferred)
2) To access process configuration xml using RESTFull webservice , so we can parse the action id (if possible)
Any inputs on this please?
2 answers

I don't know about REST API, but it is possible to do it in the plain java client. I suppose you could write a program that retrieves the relevant action ID on demand.
There is a snippet in the following article: http://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/manipulating-work-item-states/ that explains how to do it. Please see the
There is a snippet in the following article: http://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/manipulating-work-item-states/ that explains how to do it. Please see the
workflowInfo.getResolveActionId();part of the article. Please let me know on ST if you need any further information.