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Migration of Process Templates

Sean Burke (3789144247) | asked Sep 05 '14, 4:21 p.m.
 I need to migrate a process template from out of the box SCRUM to a custom waterfall template.  I can switch out the xml file but really want to use the waterfall template as parent template.  To do this I turned on the process sharing of the parent template.  I created a new project area and but don't select to initialize it.  Once created I go overview tabl and select "Select process configuration from another project"  I would assume that this picks up the project configuration but I don't see how to initialize the project.  Can you help?  After doing this I was hoping to change the ownership of the streams to the new project area.  Is this correct?

Geoffrey Clemm commented Sep 05 '14, 6:17 p.m.

Are you trying to migrate a "process template" or migrate the "process configuration" of an existing project area?   I'm assuming the latter, and if so, we should update the title of this question.   And while we are fixing the title, it should be phrased in the form of the question.   In particular, it's not clear to me exactly what question is being asked here.

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Sean Burke (3789144247) | answered Sep 05 '14, 4:47 p.m.
 It looks like you have to select an unconfigured process and can initialize by right click on the process,

Ralph Schoon commented Sep 08 '14, 2:47 a.m.

Process sharing is something entirely different for migrating templates.

A template is a process configuration/description that is used to seed a project area with a process. Once this is done, there is no longer a connection between template and the process in the project area.

If you use process sharing, the project area is sharing its process and another one consumes it. You can use it to easily keep multiple project areas on a common process. You can develop the process etc.

However, there are some assumptions made by the project areas that consume another project areas process. Especially the assumption is, that the process evolves based on the exiting shared process. If you consume a completely different process type (e.g. traditional first and then consume a shared agile process) you are likely to loose all customizations, especially since the ID's of attributes etc. don't have to be the same.

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