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Error: invalid requestParameters parameter: [object Object] while hyperlinking two birt reports

sri sudarsana (181216) | asked Sep 02 '14, 10:02 a.m.
retagged Sep 03 '14, 5:29 a.m. by Donald Nong (14.5k614)
 When i try to do Hyperlinking from One report to another i am getting an error 
Error: invalid requestParameters parameter: [object Object] while hyperlinking two birt reports

The hyperlinking from Main report to the second report is working fine when i open the link in the same tab as the main report. But , i am getting the above mentioned error only when i tried to open the linking report in  a new tab or new Window.

Can anyone please help me with this?.I have no clue why its happening

Donald Nong commented Sep 03 '14, 5:24 a.m.

I have not verified this, but some hyperlinks cannot be open in a new tab anyway, for example some hyperlinks actually do a POST action rather than the normal GET. If you use Firefox with Firebug or Chrome, try to find out what is the difference between the requests sent in the same tab and in a new tab.

2 answers

permanent link
sri sudarsana (181216) | answered Sep 04 '14, 8:43 a.m.
 Thanks Nong for the reply. I tried opening up the report in the Firefox (version 24.0). The hyper linking report is getting opened without any issue when opening in a new tab/new window or in the same tab.

But in chrome(version 37.0) and IE(version 8,9,10) its not working.

I am passing the paramater in GET only.When i looked into the URL , i could see all the parameters im passing from the main report.
Below mentioned is the copy of the link which i got while redirecting to linking report

https://ServerName:PortNo/ccm/web/projects/ Area&parameterValue=%27%7BCurrent%20Project%20Area%7D%27&parameterName=Work Item Query&parameterValue=%27_Vf6qQNUGEeiaF-%27&parameterName=Parameter&parameterValue=%27points%27&parameterName=Bucket Display&parameterValue=%27OBucket%27&parameterName=Grouping Name&parameterValue=superuser&parameterName=Columns&parameterValue=%27ID%27%2C%27Owned%20By%27%2C%27Creation%20Date%27%2C%27Summary%27%2C%27Iteration%20Planned%27%2C%27Created%20By%27%2C%27Story%20Points%27

Can you please guide me if there is some workaround that i can do it for IE/chrome 

permanent link
Mastanaiah Mannem (3912) | answered Sep 08 '16, 6:55 a.m.
 Even i have the same issue. can you please some help on above query.

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