RTC repository synchronization tool
Accepted answer
One other answer
One could be created, but it would be more than an Item Connector.. the Item connector is the outbound interface.(something changed here, tell the other side).
when I built my item connector, I also had to build a web service for my other side to call. that web service used the item client interface to push the changes into RTC
this was my design (salesforce service cloud on the other end, but same concepts)
the difficulty with RTC is that you will need the client apis to talk to the other end outbound.. and as the item connector runs as a subroutine of the server, you do not have access to the client apis.
Note that if by "RTC Item Connector", Tojan is referring to the connector framework used by the CQ Connector, then that supports a two-way flow of data updates.
the server plugin does not do all this by itself. the inbound changes are triggered by application interaction with the Item Connector framework
from my web service provider
IExternalProxy proxy = getExternalProxy(getRepository(),createItem.getProblem(),true, sPm);
IExternalState externalState = InteropFactory.INSTANCE
ISyncRule sr = getInteropMgr().findSyncRule(
StringConstants.sfdcworkitem, sPm);
this triggers change event method calls in the repository connector for the mapped attributes. for CQ there is an app that needs to be run.
I agree that the RTC server plug-in does not do all this by itself, but I consider the client application that calls the RTC server plug-in part of the "Item Connector framework". So it appears the only part where Sam and I differ is on what is included by the IC framework.