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Is that allowed or possible to have 2 machines set with the same hostname.

Jin Zhou (591619) | asked Jul 27 '14, 11:09 p.m.

When we configuring JTS server, we are asked to provide "Fully Qualified Hostname" as the public URI root.

I was wondering whether it's possible to name two machines with the same hostname in the same intranet?
Would it cause any potential problems when running JTS from the two machines at the same time?

Whether any network configuration could achieve above?

Your insight thoughts would be highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards

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Ralph Schoon (63.5k33646) | answered Jul 28 '14, 1:40 a.m.

you can't have that. However, you can use a "Reverse Proxy". See

The proxy server is reachable under the common public URI and forwards the calls to the other machines based on the URL. E.g. forwards the call to the CCM application using the /ccm bit of the URL. The applications can have all the same public URI root without knowing they are on different hosts.
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Ralph Schoon commented Jul 28 '14, 1:43 a.m.

If you want to use the same host name in a network (e.g. for upgrade testing), you have to shield them from each other. You can set up an isolated network of a few machines, by manipulating the hosts file of all of the machines. You essentially overwrite the DNS and put in IP addresses in the host file to make sure the correct machines are reached. You have to be very careful if you do that, in order to avoid Linking the wrong applications.

Jin Zhou commented Jul 28 '14, 1:54 a.m.

Thanks, Ralph

"Reverse Proxy" idea looks cool. I'll take time to review the articles that you shared.


Ralph Schoon commented Jul 28 '14, 2:53 a.m.


just to make sure, because I might have misunderstood the initial question. The Reverse Proxy is used to allow to make the public URI independent from the host names the applications are running on. It is not meant to help with running two installations with the same host names in parallel.

Jin Zhou commented Jul 28 '14, 2:55 a.m.

Hi, Ralph

Can I continually ask for your advice and thoughts?

What we hope to achieve is, we would setup 2 JTS server separately and running at the same time in the same intranet.
We want client1 to connect with JTS1 and client2 connecting with JTS2. Besides the access URL for client1 and client2 are supposed to be the same (client1 and client2 won't release they are connecting to different server)

Do you still think "Reverse Proxy" is helpful to above? How can we redirect the request from client1 and client2 to a specific JTS server with one proxy server?

Thanks and Regards

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 28 '14, 3:01 a.m.

I would strongly advise not to try that. For use cases like upgrade testing, using entries in the hosts file has been used. The reverse proxy can not help with the scenario you describe, because it relies on different URL infixes to identify where to forward.

Other than for upgrade testing and isolating both environments it is not supported, nor a good idea to try what you describe.

What is the real use case? Why do you want to try that?

Jin Zhou commented Jul 29 '14, 12:42 a.m.

Hi, Ralph

I understand your point here.

We are still in the planning stage. Your advice would be helpful to us to decide.

Thanks and Regards

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