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Cross BIRT Report RQM-RTC?

Cesar Sasaki (511289129) | asked Jul 18 '14, 6:43 p.m.
I have created a report on my RTC Client. It has some workitems from an RTC Project Area and some Test Plans from RQMthat are linked.
In the  RTC client preview it runs OK, but when I Upload the report to RTC it give me an error and when I upload it to RQM it only shows RQMdata no RTC.

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Clara Forero (6212) | answered Jul 21 '14, 3:12 p.m.
Hi Cesar,

Live data can't be used for BIRT cross-application reports.  You may need to look into reading the data from the DW or using Insight.


Cesar Sasaki commented Jul 21 '14, 4:01 p.m.

Hi Clara
When you say "Live data"  you refer to all the tables inside  "Live Snapshot" Data Source? 
And also the "Live _"(Plan, EWI, etc) tables  from the "PLANNING Snapshot" Datasource?

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