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What does FOUND IN field on Defect creation mean in RTC?

Javaria Hameed (403847) | asked Jul 08 '14, 7:47 a.m.
Every time I want to file a defect in RTC, I always have "Unassigned" value in Found In drop down in every project?
what does this field supposed to be? and why its value is not changing?

any help, please?


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Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | answered Jul 08 '14, 7:51 a.m.
There is a little article on this at:

What is in "Found In" is customized by your RTC project area administrator and are normally "Releases":

You can define the set of releases available for the Found In attribute of work items on the Releases page of the project area editor. Releases can be created, archived/unarchived, renamed and their order can be changed.

If your project admin hasn't added "Releases" to the project area configuration, it would only show Unassigned.

Javaria Hameed commented Jul 08 '14, 7:54 a.m.

thanks Susan.
But my releases and sprints are showing in Planned For drop down already

Susan Hanson commented Jul 08 '14, 7:57 a.m.

So that is a statement of how your project administrator has configured the project, putting releases and sprints in the Timeline.  Found In contains whatever your project administrator has defined on the "Releases" tab of the project configuration.  If your it has nothing, that means your admin has not created any.

Robert Wen commented Jul 08 '14, 7:59 a.m.

In this context, release refer to any builds created and ready to deploy, not the iteration or phase of the release schedule.


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