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RTC ignores changes to the contents of bin folder

RTC version: 4.0.5
I have a top-level component called "fdp" under which is present a folder called "bin" (bin is under source-control). Any changes to the contents of bin is ignored by RTC.
I found a few links that talks about this problem but I was unable to fix the issue following their instructions:
1. https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.team.scm.doc/topics/t_scm_eclipse_ignore.html&scope=null
2. https://jazz.net/forum/questions/29545/scm-problem-removing-bin-from-ignore-list
I created the file ".jazzignore" under the /fdp folder, wrote "core.global.ignore=" into it and checked-in the file into the repository workspace. This didn't fix the issue.
One of the links mentioned right-clicking on the resource and selecting "Remove from ignore list". I don't see any such option when I right click on 'bin' on the Eclipse client (stream name -> component name ("fdp") -> "show" -> "repository files" -> "bin").
The ignore-list under "Window" -> "Preferences" -> "Team" -> "Ignored Resources" does not mention "bin" in the list.
How can I get the contents of 'bin' to be recognized by RTC?
2 answers

You described trying to "Remove from ignore list" within the Team Artifacts view. Have you tried right-clicking on the folder in the Package Explorer or Project Explorer view in Eclipse? From there, you should see "Remove from ignore list".
Taking a step back, is the bin folder containing generated files? If so, I would recommend not storing those in RTC.

Thanks for your reply.
Package explorer (Window -> Show View -> Package Explorer) and Project Exploer (Window -> Show View -> Project Explorer) are empty: I use RTC only to version and build artifacts - all of which is done outside of the Eclipse client. Hence empty views, I guess. How else could I get to the option "Remove from ignore list"?
BTW, the bin folder does contain some build objects. However, the intent is not to place them under source control. I want RTC (esp., scm status) to be able to pick changes under this folder.

You might want to use the Windows Explorer Shell client (https://jazz.net/products/rational-team-concert/features/clients) which would probably better suit your needs if you're not using Eclipse for development purposes. The client is very similar to the Eclipse one, but it is integrated into Windows Explorer.
If you need to use Eclipse, you could create a new Project that contains the files that you have in RTC. Then, you could use the "Remove from ignore list" within the Project Explorer view.
You can also modify the .jazzignore file that lives at the top-level directory that you've shared. There should be an entry in there like this:
core.ignore= \
{lib} \
{bin} \
If you remove the {bin} from the list, that directory should no longer be ignored.
Hope this helps,

I see. I use RTC from Linux. Is creating projects the only way to achieve this? Sounds strange that the tool would not allow another (easier) way to achieve this.
And, Is .jazzignore supposed to be already present somewhere under source control? Until I added the file under the component /fdp, I did not find one anywhere else. BTW, adding this file did not help either. Like I mentioned in my question, this file is now present with just "core.global.ignore=" as its contents. This doesn't fix the problem.

You may want to try the command line client since you're on Linux and can't use the Shell client.