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Why is the sorting criteria ignored when an advanced rule is configured in a RRC view?

Maria Victoria Martinez Torino (14924559) | asked Jun 10 '14, 3:27 p.m.
This is happening in RRC 4.0.6, using a FF supported version.
Let's say I have a saved view with a given sorting criteria (by Name, asc):

Now, if I configure a rule in the view and save that rule, the sorting criteria of the view seems to be ignored:

Why is this happening? Is there any explanation for this behavior?

Thanks in advance!

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 17 '14, 2:32 a.m.
I tested with RRC 4.0.6 and did not see anything wrong. When you configure an advanced rule, you also choose to display the links in tree view. These linked artifacts of course will not conform to the sorting order. If you hide/collapse all the linked artifacts (by clicking on the little minus sign within the ID column), you should see the the artifacts at the highest level are still sorted by name (as you have configured).

Maria Victoria Martinez Torino commented Jun 17 '14, 9:35 a.m.

Hi Donald,
I did what you suggested but I arrive to the same result...even more, I click on the "Name" column to make the view sortable by Name and the tool keeps ignoring the sorting criteria chosen...
Would you mind to share a screenshot showing how this is working out for you on 4.0.6?
Otherwise, I would have to assume that this is how RRC handles this kind of behavior.
Thanks in advance.

Donald Nong commented Jun 17 '14, 8:52 p.m. | edited Jun 17 '14, 8:52 p.m.

Hi Vicky,

As requested. The view is Business Rules sorted by Name in the JKE Banking sample project, and the advanced rule is "Business Rules constraints (any)". As you can see, the artifacts with the grey background are at the highest level and are still in the correct sorting order, while the artifacts with the white background are linked artifacts and are not necessarily sorted accordingly.

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