TypeError: _7a undefined

I have created an attribute named Record for Story work item having values (required,not required,done,in Progress)
So when ever the user selects required a new record work item is created and linked as child item to the story.
Record work items can have approvals with state -Approved/Pending/Rejected.
I wrote a custom advisor RecordStatePrevention advisor which prevents the transtition of record to completed state if it has any pending approvals.
When I try to change the state of record(with pending approvals) to complete state from the record item editor the exception is being thrown as per required behavior(implemented in advisor)
But when i try to change the record (with pending approvals) to complete from the story editor I get a javascript error "TypeError : _7a undefined" whereas I should be getting the same exception as in above case.
When I checked the logs i realised that the exception is thrown properly even at previous case but the UI throws some javascript error. Could you please guide me on this? What I am doing wrong.
One answer

This error was resolved when I handled the modification of record status from the story work item editor in the same advisor where I was handling the modification of record status from the record work item editor.
Though I am still not clear that what caused this error. I am suspecting as story and record work items are linked if the error is thrown at record level it is not propagated to the story level editor.
Though I am still not clear that what caused this error. I am suspecting as story and record work items are linked if the error is thrown at record level it is not propagated to the story level editor.