How to notify a group of people when creating a work item?
When I create a work item, I'd like to notify a group of people. What is the best way to do that?
I tryed by creating a team area and associating with a category, but it did not work. When I setted the category of a work item, the team area does not received any notification.
Is this possible?
2 answers
We did this based on a role at only the project level (you could probably do it anywhere). When a work item is created of a certain work item type (or any other attribute value you want to trigger on), the server-side plugin could either a) send an email using the RTC message service or b) could subscribe each person that has the specific role in the specific team area.
People can configure if they get email notifications for things they are subscribed to, so using subscriptions vs email may not end up the same way.
Thank you, Susan.
But, is there any tutorial of how create server-side plugins? I never did that, except by customizing some attributes with javascript.
1 vote
Luiz, you probably want to check as well and search the blog for available examples e.g. how to subscribe users to work items.
1. Existing Records : - Enhancement 216962 :
The option to send groups of people email based on actions/state changes and Already logged Enhancement on similar requirement, user can add their specific need to it.
2. Eclipse Client > Subscribe by Dragging the Team onto Quick Information Currently, Eclipse client provides one option to add a Team as subscribers to work items:
In the Eclipse client > Open the Work Item > Open the Team Organization view > drag and drop a Team onto Quick Information section > You are given the option to add them as subscribers.
The entire Team can them be added as subscribers.
- this needs to be done for each and every work item
- may need to create a team organization with Team or a subm team with set of users who would map directly to category + type.
- not possible in web client.
3. Subscriptions are not available from Java Script and hence the OOTB features for Attribute Customizations cannot be used/applied to
achieve this requirement.
Here is a link to where it lists all the built-in attributes which are accessible through script
and Subscriptions are not one among them.
4. Default Value Provider > User List can be created and subscriptions can be set to use it.
However, this set of users would be the default independent of the work item type, category and/or any other parameters.
This default would show up for all types and so would not be applicable for the current requirement.
5. Create Work Item Templates corresponding to each combination of Type + Category + Subsrcibers
- For each user addition/removal from the subscriptions, the earlier created templates would be rendered useless
After having evaluated various options, the best approach appears through a Operation Participant created using Plain Java Client
6. Using Plain Java Client Libraries its possible to add subscriptions.( with reference to the above Ralph Comment)
a. Ralph provides the code to do it in his article :
b. Client can further customize it to add a control based on category and type, which are both readable using plain java client libraries.
c. This could then be created as an operation participant. Here you can find a sample on creating participants :
Arun, the plain Java Client Libraries are client only. This is using the server SDK. See
Arun and Ralph,
Thanks a lot for your tips.
Arun, Can you explain me a little bit about how to implement item 4?
Do I need to create a custom attribute? How to set subscription to this attribute?
I can not access the links that you've posted in your answer. Can you correct it, please.
Arun's links are
sam detweiler
May 19 '14, 5:11 p.m.Ssdly there is nothing builtin to do this.