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Find recent changes in a stream

Nils Hendricks (122) | asked Apr 11 '14, 9:54 a.m.

i need to get all changes since a certain timestamp from our streams on file level.
My approach was to use the "scm show history" command. I have 2 problems there:
1. I cannot specify a timestamp, only the number of results.
2. In my (json-)results the file paths are missing (e.g. "path": "\\<unresolved>\\config.xml" instead of "path": "\\myProject\myFolder\config.xml" which would be the correct path of the file in the component).

I dont want to create real sandboxes where at least nr. 2 would be fixed because we have hundreds of components.

I there a chance to get these informations using the Java API? Is it possible then to also get this based on a snapshot rather than a stream?

thanks & regards, Nils

2 answers

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Apr 11 '14, 11:37 a.m.
If you can compare the stream to a past snapshot, you can get a list of differences. I would recommend changing your work flow to create snapshots at points you know you would want to compare with at a later date. This is first suggestion I can think of since you can show history of a stream/workspace/snapshot. You can show history of a component but again you're limited by the number of results instead of specifying a date range.

Nils Hendricks commented Apr 14 '14, 2:35 a.m. | edited Apr 16 '14, 1:40 a.m.

Thanks a lot for your quick answers !
I will give comparing snapshots with "scm compare" a try. Then the file paths are resolved although i dont have a sandbox. I fear that using "list changesets" and "list changes" will result in a lot of more interaction with RTC than the snapshot approach.

Is the fact that the paths in my json retrieved by "scm history" are not resolved a bug or does it work like designed?

Shashikant Padur commented Apr 14 '14, 10:17 a.m.

It could not resolve the path because I believe you did not provide the workspace option when running the scm history command. Try by providing the workpsace info.

Nils Hendricks commented Apr 14 '14, 10:56 a.m.

I did specify a workspace (in my case it is a stream). Here is the command i started:
scm show history -j -r <ourRepositoryUrl> -u <userId> -P <password> --component seu_bld-source -w seu_bld-04.26.00-dev

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Apr 13 '14, 11:33 p.m.
edited Apr 13 '14, 11:34 p.m.
In RTC, the changes are checked in to a changeset. You can get the latest changesets by using "list changesets" command.
For ex: 
To list the latest changes for a workspace or stream: lscm list changesets --workspace &lt;workspace or stream name/uuid&gt; --created-after &lt;timestamp&gt;
If you would like to narrow your listing to a component specify the --component option along with the --workspace option. You can also specify the type of file change such as addition/modification etc. Take a look at the help for more information.

You can then list the changes in the change set using "list changes" command.

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