RQM user also using RTC?

I see that on some of my support questions from national, local and Rational support, some of my answers are found by using the RTC client. We don't use RTC at my company, so I am wondering if we are a minority.
We have not yet connected to LDAP, and we have global users in our "pilot" program. They would like to change their password, and the answer seems to be through the RTC client....
We have not yet connected to LDAP, and we have global users in our "pilot" program. They would like to change their password, and the answer seems to be through the RTC client....
2 answers

Hi. At this point we ship an RTC client with RQM in order to access a set of admin functions that are not available through the Admin Web UI, so most users will end up needing to use it. There is a section in the RQM Help, under Administering, called Managing the Jazz Server using the RTC client -- it is worth taking a look. Thanks.

Hi. At this point we ship an RTC client with RQM in order to access a set of admin functions that are not available through the Admin Web UI, so most users will end up needing to use it. There is a section in the RQM Help, under Administering, called Managing the Jazz Server using the RTC client -- it is worth taking a look. Thanks.
Correct. While that is fine for me to use the RTC client for Admin functions, our external contractors only have access via web into our area, we will have to quickly implement LDAP or something....
I only raised the poll b/c it seems that the majority of users who I have come across are using RTC vets already, and RQM is something new to them vs me, I just came across RQM first, not looking into using RTC or configure Jazz. But for solutions, most of my answers seem to fall into:
You need to go into RTC and...
Look in the RTC Help and...
It's a Jazz Server function that...
However, this is OK, b/c it's job security... :-)