Creating several dashboards from a template and linking back between them

RQM provides an ability to design personal dashboards by adding specific widgets. While I'm able to create 'release specific' CCM dashboards (which has widgets for defect summary group by category and defect summary group by severity), I want to find out the best way of sharing these CCM dashboards with project team. As of Today I'm just sending the direct URL of the dashboard to the project team.
I was also wondering if I can include 'URL / Links' of multiple CCM Dashboards on the CCM dashboard home page of a given RQM project. In other words, if a user navigates to 'RQM Project - CCM' page then they should see links to CCM dashboards for all releases that are maintained within the given RQM CCM Project Area.
I was also wondering if I can include 'URL / Links' of multiple CCM Dashboards on the CCM dashboard home page of a given RQM project. In other words, if a user navigates to 'RQM Project - CCM' page then they should see links to CCM dashboards for all releases that are maintained within the given RQM CCM Project Area.