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CRHTC1656I compile error (802816)

Jack Fromme (322) | asked Mar 13 '14, 5:26 p.m.


We get this error when trying a zOS COBOL DB2 compile.  What does the code 802816 and/or EDC5092I errno2=0xc00b0162 last_op=43 errorCode=0x130018 mean?

* [antz:mvsexec] 2014-03-13 15:59:46,095 CRHTC1668I The mvsexec task CBLDB2C Integrated Compile Compuware - NEW FROM SCRATCH is about to call compiler CWPCMAIN with parameter NOAWO,NODYNAM,RENT,WORD(CICS),OFF,FLAG(I,W),SSR,CICS,SQL("APOSTSQL,NEWFUN(V9)"),SIZE(8192K),NOOPT,LIB,NOSQLCCSID and ddnameslist null.

* [antz:mvsexec] 2014-03-13 16:00:02,986 CRHTC1656I The return code from CBLDB2C Integrated Compile Compuware - NEW FROM SCRATCH was (802816) (hex. c4000).

* [antz:mvsexec] 2014-03-13 16:00:03,206 //DD:SYSPRINT: fopen() failed; EDC5092I An I/O abend was trapped.; errno=92 errno2=0xc00b0162 last_op=43 errorCode=0x130018

* 43599 INFO [main] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector - Authentication requested but doAuthentication is disabled

Thanks for any info.


Accepted answer

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Richard Brunkhorst (16) | answered Nov 10 '14, 10:58 a.m.
 Hi Jack,

Not sure if you are still having this problem, but I was having a similar problem to what you were experiencing.  What ended up being the issue is that on my translator definition I was using a temporary dataset for some of my DD statements, and this temporary dataset had been allocated to use 5 tracks.  Therefore I think it was running out of space when trying to write the SYSADATA.  Increasing the space on the temporary dataset allowed me to build without issues.

Jack Fromme selected this answer as the correct answer

Jack Fromme commented Nov 10 '14, 11:06 a.m.

Thank You Richard!  I believe we came to the same conclusion 7 months ago - but I forgot to mark this post as fixed.

Alex Akilov commented Jul 29 '15, 5:21 p.m. | edited Jul 29 '15, 5:21 p.m.

 I'm running into the same problem (and Krzysztof this is most certainly an RTC EE usage question since the latter invokes the z/OS COBOL compiler).  However, in my case, SYSADATA is not the culprit.  I'm failing on the fopen of the SYSTERM DD with the exact same reason/error codes.  Is there a way to look up what that error code means exactly (or can RTC make a better effort at displaying more meaningful error messages than partial/cryptic return codes without all of the additional info that usually accompanies those return codes (e.g. when compiling using JCL)?

Alex Akilov commented Jul 29 '15, 5:43 p.m.

 I was able to get around my problem by converting my SYSTERM DD from a PDS to a Sequential file.

2 other answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Mar 14 '14, 4:06 a.m.
Hi Jack,
This is forum for CLM products. Are you sure that you have  CLM related issue, not Cobol one?

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Alex Akilov (1211924) | answered Jul 29 '15, 5:44 p.m.
 I was able to fix my problem by switching the SYSTERM data set definition from using a PDS to using a Sequential file.

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