Marking files for review in RTC

2 answers

there are no user tags for files in Jazz SCM. Versions are dome with baselines or snapshots. There is something called user properties in Jazz SCM, that allows to store user data with a file (version). These user properties are however under version control and changing them requires a change set. There are request to have user properties introduced to, which are not under version control.
The dialog shows the properties under version control:

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Hello Raph,

The property above is at the file level. You open the property editor for the file. It is called user property, because a user can add it. It will be visible to all users. It will stay at its value for new file versions (copy) unless you change it creating a new file version with a change.

BTW, I am fully aware of what you try to do. I had similar discussions with other users in the same direction for similar reasons. tracks this and other request.
I have no real solution at hand that you could use at this time. The fact that the property is versioned does not allow to just remove it or change the general information. The tagging would work well, there is API to get at the data, so you could e.g. create a lightweight label provider or a search tool. In order to change the value, you would have to create and deliver a new change set. E.g. after the approval. I think this could work, if you can live with the fact that it is versioned.