Is "current milestone" a mis-used term for predefined query?
There is a pre-defined query (myOpenCurrent) which has "current milestone" in the name, and have variable type = "current milestone". The XML is below. I have a couple questions: 1) is "current milestone" really "current iteration"?
2) if #1 is yes, is there any variable type actually for "current milestone"?
3) also if #1 is yes, can I change the name= to say "current iteration"?
<condition operator="is">
<attribute name="target"/>
<variable type="current milestone"/>
sam detweiler
Feb 17 '14, 1:26 p.m.I assume u are looking at I don't see that query in the production 4.0.5 install.. uses a customized process template with lots of additional variables not in the released product
Susan Hanson
Feb 17 '14, 6:05 p.m.I am on and it has been migrated up from 2.0 and 3.0.1. It is in our pre-defined queries that are physically in our process XML for the project area. I don't believe it is something we would have written ourselves awhile back, so I assume it came with the product at some point.