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Email notification for custom RTC role

Naweed Jaulim (632732) | asked Feb 06 '14, 7:25 a.m.

I am looking for some materials/link which can help me trigger email notifications when a team member is assigned to a custom role.

Example: I have a new Change Request work item type and I have included a new Change Impact Assessor role. I want an email to be sent out to the person selected in this role(from the WI form). It should work similar to the "Owned By" Field.

Thanks for any assistance.


One answer

permanent link
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Feb 06 '14, 7:58 a.m.
Hi Naweed,
It seems that you need to write an extension to your RTC client to be run on follow up actions you want to have it performed. See this link regarding follow up actions:

Let us know if that helps.

Naweed Jaulim commented Mar 10 '14, 8:15 a.m.

Thanks Krzysztof, I will be looking down this route.

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