Get Component History Programmatically - RTC 4.02

Accepted answer

Hi Hakki,
the IChangeHistory and IChangeHistoryDescriptor interfaces may help. An IChangeHistory is associated with a component.
IWorkspaceConnection ws = ...
IChangeHistory changeHistory = ws.changeHistory(component);
while( changeHistory != null )
IChangeHistoryDescriptor d = changeHistory.getHistoryDescriptor(true, null);
changeHistory = d.previousHistory();
the IChangeHistory and IChangeHistoryDescriptor interfaces may help. An IChangeHistory is associated with a component.
IWorkspaceConnection ws = ...
IChangeHistory changeHistory = ws.changeHistory(component);
while( changeHistory != null )
IChangeHistoryDescriptor d = changeHistory.getHistoryDescriptor(true, null);
changeHistory = d.previousHistory();