How to stop Deliver/Build in there are unchecked-in changes (Unresolved) ?

We use manual check-in (not every save triggers check-in).
We need to stop deliver operation when there are unchecked-in changes (not just warning - we need to stop the operation). Also build takes only checkin changes - we need to stop also request build when there are unresolved changes.
Is it possible ?
One answer

Hello Yehiel,
these are currently not possible. Could you provide more context around why you would want to restrict users from delivering or requesting a build when there are unresolved changes? I'm guessing that you are looking to ensure that a personal build is not inadvertently requested when changes are not checked in. Is this correct?
these are currently not possible. Could you provide more context around why you would want to restrict users from delivering or requesting a build when there are unresolved changes? I'm guessing that you are looking to ensure that a personal build is not inadvertently requested when changes are not checked in. Is this correct?