RQM: Description for multiple testcases
we have always a set of test cases, where we need to add the identical description. E.g. Pin Assignment of DUT.
Is it possible to store this data in RQM without duplicating it?
Copy of an external document as attachment does not really help, since the data is not updated automatically if the source is changing.
If we group test cases under a test plan we could add some information there. But a test plan contains also other test cases where this information is not required (or maybe even wrong).
we have always a set of test cases, where we need to add the identical description. E.g. Pin Assignment of DUT.
Is it possible to store this data in RQM without duplicating it?
Copy of an external document as attachment does not really help, since the data is not updated automatically if the source is changing.
If we group test cases under a test plan we could add some information there. But a test plan contains also other test cases where this information is not required (or maybe even wrong).
One answer
Hi Jörg,
You could have a try of group the test cases by category. By assigning categories to your artifacts, you can set up a hierarchical directory structure that is useful for keeping artifacts organized, see http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0m5/index.jsp?re=1&topic=/com.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc/topics/c_organize_with_categories.html
Best Regards,
Bing Dong