Birt report : add "today" checkbox in Date parameter

One answer

Antoine, if this parameter is always going to point to today's date, why do you need this parameter any way?
The BIRT report design could it self find the current date and pass it to the data set.
If you need to support both the current date and a user selected date, you can always add an extra parameter with two choices: Current Date, User Selected Date.
If user selects the Current Date choice, then the report can ignore the real Date parameter.
Not very elegant but it should work.

Hi Rafik,
Thanks for your answer.
this is why i want implement that. The users put the report on the dasboard and i would like that the report diplay the data of the current days. However, if a user whish to see the data of a specific day, he can modify the query and select the specific date.
Do you have more informations about the extra paramter. Do you know how i could implement that ?