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Can I change the permissions required to associate a sowrk item with a change set that is owned by someone else?

Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | asked Dec 11 '13, 10:11 p.m.
I have a user getting the error:

User "" does not have the required permission to perform the following operation: associate a work item with a change set that is owned by someone else. The "JazzAdmins" role is required to perform this operation.

We would like to be able to allow people who are JazzUsers with TeamMember role to be able to do this.  However, in the project area configuration, I don't see anywhere to change this.

I see Enhancement 57870, which looks like it is what I need and is in 4.0.3.  Can someone confirm that in 4.0.3, I would be able, as part of the Team Configuration -> Permissions, assign the ability to associate a work item with a change set that is owned by someone else to a specific "role", like Team Member?


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