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The browse of “Test Suite Execution Records” from RTC WebUI is empty

Pascal Jean (6013041) | asked Dec 05 '13, 8:44 a.m.
edited Dec 08 '13, 10:10 a.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)

I have a problem with one end-user of RQM on the Web UI
He can’t view any result from the menu “Execution / Browse / Test Suite Execution Records” while it should be return around 1000 records.

Result starts with “Test Suite Execution Records” and the rest of the page is blank.

We checked that:
·         All his colleagues can view the correct result
·        The other Browse actions from the execution menu work fine
·         All his roles and permissions are correctly set
·         He tried on different workstation and got the same result. While his colleagues can view the correct result on all workstations.
·         I removed the user from the Project Area and archived him. Then I reverse him back. But the problem remain

 It sounds that his user settings are corrupted somewhere but I don’t know how to solve this.
I didn’t try yet to remove it from the Active Directory group as I not managing this group.

(I try to insert an image , I got the message "sorry, file uploading requires reputation > 60")

Thank you in advance for any Thoughts

Pascal Jean

2 answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Dec 09 '13, 8:56 a.m.

As you noted, this is most likely a settings issue specific to this individual user

Have the user that is encountering the issue go to Execution → Browse → Test Suite Execution Records → Change Column Display Setting. Have them note all of the values in the Display Columns section. Compare the values with a colleague that is not encountering this issue. If there are differences, modify the Display Settings (for the user that is encountering the issue ) so that is mirrors one that is working properly

Once set, refresh the view and see if the issue is resolved


Pascal Jean commented Dec 09 '13, 9:21 a.m.

Thank you Ara to spend a moment on that question.
I'll check ASAP on see if it helps.
Thank you again
Pascal Jean

permanent link
Pascal Jean (6013041) | answered Dec 09 '13, 9:20 a.m.
Thank you Ara to spend a moment on that question.
I'll check ASAP on see if it helps.
Thank you again
Pascal Jean

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