Subtraction of date from creation date
Hi All,
I using RTC and trying to create a new date attribute which is to display creation date - 1.
I have tried to use"")), "day", -1) and it is not working.
I'm not sure what is wrong with this. I would appreciate any help on this.
Thanks in Advance
One answer
I am not sure if this helps, but this a calculation with dates:
/******************************************************************************* * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM * (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2011. All Rights Reserved. * * Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights: * Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule * Contract with IBM Corp. *******************************************************************************/ dojo.provide("org.example.DateValidator_30_days_later"); dojo.require(""); // To access the work item attributes dojo.require(""); // To create a status object to return dojo.require(""); // To create a severity for the status dojo.require(""); // We need the date class from Dojo to compare two dates dojo.require(""); // We need the stamp class to work with ISO date strings (function() { var Severity =; var Status =; var DateValidator = dojo.declare("org.example.DateValidator_30_days_later", null, { validate: function(attributeId, workItem, configuration) { var severity= "ERROR"; var message= "Date must be at least 30 days from now"; // Work Item new: not initialized - provides todays date. Once created provides the creation date var beginDate ="")); // Get the current attribute's value and make a Date object from it console.log("I got: ["+workItem.getValue(attributeId)+"]"); var endDate=; // Compare the two dates returns negative value due to order var compare = -(, beginDate, "day")); if (compare>= 30) { // make sure endDate is not earlier than beginDate + 30 return Status.OK_STATUS; } else { return new Status(Severity[severity], message + " current value: [" +endDate + "] and difference is " + compare); } } }); })();
Nov 25 '13, 4:44 p.m.You have to return a Date object, not sure on the exact syntax, but something like: